Well last day of practice. They kept it as open practice as long as the marshals were out. Worked out better than controlled practice I think. Still tough as there were always 20 to 25 cars out there. Lots of hacking going on! LOL. Didn't break too much. Took a pic (at top) of the total practice breakage....Can't complain as there were people with much worse luck. I think I finally have the RB5 dialed in pretty good. The Lazer...well, I think it is o.k. Too affraid to run it as I don't have anymore spares and nobody had SP parts here so I am saving her for tomorrow. I ran 2wd most of the day. Lap times seem to be in the 28-29 second range for 2wd and 27-28 seconds for 4wd from what I saw so far (I managed some 29 second 2wd laps). I am sure it will drop with less cars on the track in qualifying and with people stepping up their game (someone told me 25 seconds would be the times). Big names look pretty good out there, but there are a couple of Losi guys who I don't know (I don't know too many guys outside who you see in the mags) who were DIALED and ripping out there. I thought they looked faster than Tebo, Cavaleri and Robbers (Robbers was pretty quick out there though). The 4wd cars will jump the ripple section and I guess you have to do the triple to be fast. I think it is a 1/2 second faster per lap to triple versus double single. I didn't have time to video some laps of the fast guys but I took a quick clip of the triple again just because the cars look funny flying like that. As for who is gonna win....hmmmm....not sure, but I could see an upset of some sorts brewing. Hopefully I can get some fast laps in as I have never raced at a big US race before (well not since I was a kid at the '89 Nationals in Detroit..haha), so I really don't know what to expect (hometown hero baby!). I guess that is about it. Nothing too exciting, but it will be a long day tomorrow. Drivers meeting at 7:30am...probably won't get out till late either. I probably forgot something, but I am tired. I will bring the lap top to the track tomorrow for sure. See you on Live RC :P
PS - Mike ordered a Club Soda with Lime again at lunch.....
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